Monday, July 20, 2009

My Travels in this Slippery World

For the last 6 weeks,I have been on a perpetual journey throughout a generous chunk of the US and Canada visiting Culligan dealers. Through all of the bad hotel coffee and fast food in the car, I got to know a group of businessmen and women as well as you could given two hours in a conference room. We talked about business, about customers, about legacy, about family and about the future. This is a dedicated group of people who have already taught me more than a few lessons.

1. They know everything about water. Everything. They can also pronounce chemicals that I am fairly sure are phonetically impossible.
2. They are extremely family-oriented as a group. Almost every meeting had a mother-son, father-son,father-daughter or sibling pair.
3. They genuinely want to help you find a solution to any problem you may have.

More lessons to come as the Water Wise Guy/Culligan Man continue to spread the good water word.

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