Wednesday, July 22, 2009

What the heck is hard water?

You have probably heard the term, heard your mom complain about it and your dad curse it like a bad golf swing. Hard water is actually responsible for a huge amount of waste and destruction in your home and on your body, and it should be cursed.

Down-and-really dirty

Hard water is considered water with a high volume of hard minerals, usually calcium and magnesium.(Sounds like a bad 80s singing duo) Anything with more than 1 grain of hard minerals per gallon is considered hard water. Anything above 3 gpg, run, don’t walk, to get a water softener. Believe me, you will thank me and may even send me a present.(I need new sweaters by the way.)

What Hard Water Does

These two nasty elements then run amuck on your skin, hair and household appliances. Ever get out of the shower and feel like, how do I say, gunky? That’s because soap and other products can’t rinse properly and subsequently dry out your skin and hair. Remember in old Acme cartoons, the fleas used to build whole cities on the family dog? It’s like that, in mineral form.

Appliances are not spared from hard water’s wrath. A recent study shower showerheads can get clogged and rendered inoperable within 18 months. Ever pull out dishes from the dishwasher to be greeted by filth spots? You can thank hard water. If your sink looks like a frat house just used it during its latest social, hard water is probably to blame. (Disclaimer: If you actually did just have a frat party, that’s also the reason the toilet is in the front yard.)

Time Goes By So Slowwwlllyyy

I know the Righteous Brothers did not have hard water in mind when they came up with that line. But who says they didn't? Moving on.
A study by Ohio State University indicated that time required for typical cleaning taskes was increased by 50 percent.

So look around your house and in the mirror and ask: Is hard water costing me money and time? If the answer is yes, yell “Hey Culligan Man!”

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