Wednesday, May 20, 2009

H-2-Uh Oh!

This is a simple tally of all the reported contaminants found in our country’s water this year. Keep in mind, the year is only half over.

All of these pharmaceuticals, chemicals and compounds were reported in a variety of news and government sources, including the Associated Press and the US Geological Society.

From rat poison ingredients to rocket fuel, your drinking water is constantly assaulted by substances both regulated and non-regulated. While the 1974 Safe Drinking Water sets minimum standards for water quality, modern chemistry might
simply be outrunning the utilities.

On another note, some of these contaminants were prevalent in private wells, which do not have to pass the Safe Drinking Act’s requirements if the well serves less than 25 people.

Don’t chance it. Filter it.

• Atrazine**** (Welcome to the list!)
- America's most loved herbicide that has been known to disrupt hormones and cuase birth defects

- Treats epileptic episodes, and now conveniently at your tap without a doctor’s prescription.

- Skin and circulatory system can be at risk with arsenic in the water.

- Affects gastrointestinal, reproductive and developmental functions – sounds exciting.

- Powerful painkiller used in a variety of ways.

- This agent used in dry cleaning chemicals has been shown to incur liver issues. Ask the people of Crestwood, IL how they feel about it.

- Everyone loves a little face cream in their water, right?

- Children could get mottled teeth. Utilities are actually reconsidering their fluoride policies these days.


Lithium carbonate*
- Believe it or not, this chemical is actually used in fireworks because of the deep red flame it gives off upon combustion. Mmmmmm….

- Can result in damaging neurological effects.

Mood stabilizers*
- Who doesn’t want psychiatric medication coming out of the tap?

- Drinking water with mercury can hurt your kidney functions.

Nicotine Compounds *
- These compounds are associated with the production of nicotine patches.

- Infants younger than six months can become seriously ill with too many nitrates in the water. Babies beware.

- This substance is used to make firefighting foam.

- Rocket fuel anyone?

- It’s just poison in the water.

- Increased risk of cancer when radium is regularly in your diet.

- Radon is shown to increase the risk of lung cancer.

Sex hormones*
- Enough said.

- Linked with abnormal bone development, fun to say and more fun to drink.

Tetracycline hydrochloride*
- Treats acne and tastes great!


- Shown in tests to increase the risk of cancer.

- Shown to stimulate cancer cells in animal tests

Warfarin *
- Agent used in rat poison and also handy in blood thinner.

Wondering what kind of filters are right for you and your family? There are plenty of options out there, and you should consult an expert.

For example, Culligan’s reverse osmosis system, Aqua-Cleer, is the only filter on the market with a dedicated arsenic filtration membrane. So if arsenic is an issue in your area like it is in places like Minnesota, you may want to call your Culligan Man.

*Reported by the Associated Press; ** Reported by multiple sources; *** Reported by the US Geological Society, **** Reported by The New York Times

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